Care and repair Northamptonshire Ltd
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new Home Repairs Service for homeowners living in the Borough of Corby, in conjunction with Corby Borough Council.
The service is free for homeowners of all ages who are on means tested benefits/in receipt of low income £16k or less) (eligibility must be evidenced). It is also available to clients aged 65+ who are not on low income but have a long term health condition or disability; these clients will receive 50% funding of the cost of works.
The service will offer a comprehensive range of home measures, large and small, aimed at helping ensure the client has a safe, warm and secure living environment. Measures will include:-
· Home repairs, small and large
· Electrical, plumbing and carpentry works
· Repairs to doors and windows/replacements
· Falls prevention and small adaptations
· Home security improvements and key-safes
· Home warmth measures
· Home safety measures including carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms
· Gas safe checks and heating repairs
· Home safety measures for children with specialist needs
· Fencing and gating

Corby Library
Provides information on what the library can offer. Includes 'I.T courses and also bus passes.

Home start, Corby
Home-Start Corby is based at the Pen Green Children's Centre in Corby. We offer support, friendship and practical help to families in and around the Corby area. We signpost children and their families to a wide array of services and agencies across the town and offer practical assistance to access these. Our volunteers all have parenting experience and visit families in their own homes for 2-3 hours per week.
Every child is entitled to a safe, happy, secure childhood. At Home-Start Corby we believe parents know their children best and we will work together with families to ensure that their children are given a good start in life and are able to achieve their full potential. Our volunteers are highly skilled and receive regular ongoing training and supervision. This enables them to work with families in a way that feels safe. Volunteers are also parents themselves so are no strangers to the complex feelings stirred up in parents during parenting.This knowledge of parenting is fundamental to the ethos of Home-Start. Everybody finds it hard to cope at times for all sorts of reasons, from illness, bereavement, post-natal illness or loneliness. Our volunteers are able to engage with families in a way that builds on their resilience and what is already working well for them.

KIngswood Childrens Centre
This is a Sure Start Children's Centre in Alberta Close Corby which offers a range of services to parents and children including Health Visiting Team, Welfare Rights, Job Centre Plus and Respite Care.

NHS 111
111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

Pen Green Centre
The Pen Green Centre for Children and their Families is an integrated early years provision located in Corby, Northamptonshire. We offer families a 'one-stop shop' of services including early education and care, family support, early health and adult education.

Youth Works CIC
Youth Works CIC deliver alternative education programmes, youth counselling and therapeutic services, interventions for young people and youth projects across the North of the county. Details are available on our website.
We deliver from the MIND building on Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings. This is at:
MIND, 18 Argyll Street, Corby, NN17 1RU