Accomodation Concern
Preventative Outreach commenced 2015, but was based on an earlier support project which ran from 2006-2014. This is holistic advice and support delivered in Corby & Kettering it comprises of assistance to find work, education and training, enter volunteering, reduce harmful habits and focus on wellbeing by increasing physical and social activities.
Laura Project commenced 2013, this holistic advise and support delivered in Corby & Kettering to encourage volunteering, deliver accredited training, maximise income, minimise debt, access healthcare, assistance with benefits, debt, mediation and advocacy and increase life skills.
Al Anon
Al Anon Family Groups is a
Fellowship for help for relatives and friends of alcoholics.
We meet in the Parish Rooms, 17 Occupation Road Corby .
Thursday Evenings at 8.00pm to 9.30 pm.

Alzheimers Society
The services we run in Corby are
1. Dementia Support - all over Corby
2. Singing for the Brain - Every Monday afternoon at the West Glebe Pavillion.
3. Peer Support Group - 2nd Monday of each month am.
Please contact us for further information, or if you wish to go onto our mailing list.
Alzheimers Society provides support and advice for anyone with dementia and their families and friends

Bridge Substance Misuse
Bridge is a peer support project which links volunteers who have recovered from alcohol and/or drug misuse with members with serious substance misuse problems. Bridge also provides a range of activities, events and support. There are recovery champions who work with members to sustain their recovery and staff who specialise in advice and guidance on benefits, housing and employment.
Members will have some motivation to control, reduce or cease their drug/alcohol use and benefit from the support and encouragement of volunteers who have direct experience. Volunteers are trained for their role and fill an important and sensitive position.
Members can benefit from all the services Bridge provides or choose those that would be most beneficial.

Care and repair Northamptonshire Ltd
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new Home Repairs Service for homeowners living in the Borough of Corby, in conjunction with Corby Borough Council.
The service is free for homeowners of all ages who are on means tested benefits/in receipt of low income £16k or less) (eligibility must be evidenced). It is also available to clients aged 65+ who are not on low income but have a long term health condition or disability; these clients will receive 50% funding of the cost of works.
The service will offer a comprehensive range of home measures, large and small, aimed at helping ensure the client has a safe, warm and secure living environment. Measures will include:-
· Home repairs, small and large
· Electrical, plumbing and carpentry works
· Repairs to doors and windows/replacements
· Falls prevention and small adaptations
· Home security improvements and key-safes
· Home warmth measures
· Home safety measures including carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms
· Gas safe checks and heating repairs
· Home safety measures for children with specialist needs
· Fencing and gating

Change, grow, live - Substance 2 Solution
S2S can help you to map out your personal recovery journey. A Recovery worker can complete an assessment with you and refer you directly into the next Induction Group. From here your treatment could include:
- Access to specialist prescribing and medically assisted recovery for opiate misuse.
- Harm reduction information and access to needle exchange.
- Advice & information about different drugs, how they work and the effects.
- Access to mutual aid support with independent groups such as SMART Recovery, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous.
- Opportunities to become a peer mentor or volunteer, and to get involved with the S2S service users forum.
- Parent & Families support with the Family Support Link.
- Complimentary therapies via Bridge Substance Misuse Programme
- Specialist services for Stimulant and hallucinogenic substance misuse (separate non-opiate Induction, 1-2-1 appts, and pod/group sessions.
- Pod/group sessions (ie. New into Treatment, Stuck in Treatment, Using on Top, Foundations of Recovery, Health/BBV, Non-English pods).
- Peer led activities and key-skills (ie. Breakfast Club, cooking, coffee morning, IT suite).
- Referrals to other agencies and support networks to help build ‘recovery capital’.

Changing minds centre
Our aim is to provide you with a website where you can access information, self help resources and find out about training and services that can help improve your wellbeing and enable you to build a brighter future whatever your circumstances.
At the Changing Minds Centre our work is centred on, informed by, developed with and delivered by people who have a real understanding about what it feels like to be in mental distress.
We work with service users, carers, health professionals and partner organisations, to help us deliver meaningful, supportive and informed advice to every individual and organisation we interact with.
Wellbeing Teams
The IAPT (Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies ) Wellbeing Teams aim to provide a local service for people with common mental health problems including anxiety and depression.
We work in partnership with Primary Care colleagues and provide timely interventions for people with a low risk that enables them to acquire the skills they need to promote their own recovery.

Corby Library
Provides information on what the library can offer. Includes 'I.T courses and also bus passes.

Corby Mind
Corby Mind aims to help local people recover from mental distress by offering a safe environment where people can learn new skills, become part of their own local community and feel better about their lives.
They currently offer social, emotional and practical support within a non-judgemental environment, where people can relate to how they are feeling.
They aim to promote equality of opportunity and ensure that their members voives are heard and responded to.

Corby Steel Gateway - MENCAP
Corby Steel Gateway is a social group for adults with learning disabilities. There are many activities which take place and the group meets weekly.

Corby Stroke Association
Hi we are a social group led by Stroke survivors & family members, offering support & social inclusion for Stroke survivors, family members & carers. We are a small friendly group, but hoping to increase in numbers in due time to offer support to those who need help to regain lost lives due to the effects of Stroke . We meet at above venue every 2nd Friday between 10-30 – 12.30. We meet for a chat & a cuppa, listen to talks/film show (usually holiday snaps) sometimes have art & craft sessions & we occasionally have visiting speakers on various topics
The most important aspect which we believe is that of interaction with other survivors, to help take away the isolation & the feeling of why ME & that of being alone. We are governed & well, supported by national Stroke Association who are only a phone call away to help with any query, training as needed comes via head office & computer based courses. We are always open to those who are looking for a volunteer role, locally & nationally
Please call on above number for more information

Corby VCS Car Pool
Corby VCS Car Pool is a membership project which assists persons resident in Corby Borough with transport needs. The volunteer drivers use their own vehicles to transport members to hospital, clinic and doctors appointments, they are not paid for their time but receive fuel reimbursement from the member. In some cases where the client is in receipt of certain benefits the hospital or clinic MAY reimburse some or all of the cost of travel. For further information either email or call using the details provided.
Current cost of membership is £20.00 per year, from April to end of March.